Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Lesson 16: I have a Body

(So, this is where I am now.  But I'm really trying to get caught up!  Hopefully I can get back on top and post my planning ideas prior to teaching again.)

The children have been so engaged the past couple of weeks, despite my lack of preparation and not doing lesson selection activities.  I have chosen the activities to do and the order to do them, and they have been so well behaved!  So... I think that I will choose the selection for the time being and see how it goes.

Read through "Days of Creation" one last time, reminding children that we have been learning about the creation.  Briefly discussed everything that God created.  After we finished, I went back to Day 6 and focused for a moment on the creation of Adam and Eve, and showed them the visuals we constructed last week of Adam and Eve.  Then I told them that we are now going to focus on us, and our bodies, and how our bodies are like Adam's and Eve's, and that they reveal many blessings from the Lord.

Song:  "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes"

Picture of baby

Drawing of "I have a body" - focused on each part of the body as mentioned, drew it, and did actions with it.  Did snack right before this, so with face, we focused on goldfish for smell, taste, look, feel.

Body Bingo (Finch Family Games)- different body parts (only for 5 children)

Word of Wisdom matching.

(More details to come...)

Lesson 15: The Sabbath is a Day of Worship

I will have to come back to this one...

Lesson 14: Adam and Eve were Created in Heavenly Father's Image

As with the past few weeks, we will start the lesson off with the Creation storybook by the Barefoot Teacher found on Teachers Pay Teachers ($1.75), that I introduced in Lesson 8.  I printed out the pages, but didn't bind them in any way.  This way I could pull out the focus page(s) when the story was done and place them on the board.  We will repeat this each week for the Creation lessons until we've completed all of the pages.  Reading the same story each week will create a concrete connection between the lessons and help the children better grasp the process of the Creation.

I didn't have much time to prep this week, so I was very happy that I had some materials I could use, as well as review.

As we reviewed the Creation, we did one activity from each week to remind the children of what we had been learning.  These review activities took about 1/2 of the class time.  (Whew!)  Then, I introduced the story of Adam and Eve.  I already had a board game made from Finch Family on The Garden of Eden.  We did a modified form of the game to discuss the "images" of Adam and Eve, and how they were similar to each other.  Instead of using the body pieces I had for the game (already laminated) though, I printed out and cut out a set for each child, and punched holes in the pieces.  As we gathered each piece, I used brass fasteners to connect them.  The children were able to take these home with them.

We did the black and white posters from Sunday Savers.

(When I have more time, I will go back and add detail about what I would've done had I had more time to prep.  But I was very happy with how it went given the short amount of prep time.  And by selecting activities that the children had enjoyed the past weeks, I think it was a good review lesson, and they enjoyed it and were well behaved.)

Lesson 13: I am Thankful for Birds and Insects

Please see my page on Sunbeams for an overview of my teaching system.

I love the post on Sugardoodle, Collecting the Crickets, though I think I would find plastic bugs to use instead of paper.  Maybe use a timer to see if they can collect all the crickets in a short length of time... making it into a game!

(Because I've fallen behind on my blog, I am posting brief notes at this time, but will come back and fill in details later...)

As with the past few weeks, we will start the lesson off with the Creation storybook by the Barefoot Teacher found on Teachers Pay Teachers ($1.75), that I introduced in Lesson 8.  I printed out the pages, but didn't bind them in any way.  This way I could pull out the focus page(s) when the story was done and place them on the board.  We will repeat this each week for the Creation lessons until we've completed all of the pages.  Reading the same story each week will create a concrete connection between the lessons and help the children better grasp the process of the Creation.

For the introduction activity, I made a cutout of a bird, with the different parts separate - the body, head, tail, wings, beak, eyes, feet.  I basically followed the introduction in the book, but used the visuals.  The children very quickly guessed it was birds (and I put up the page from the Creation book).  But since we hadn't yet completed assembling our bird, I had the children figure out what we were still missing.  Once they identified a missing part, I attached it to the bird.

For the activity selection, I just used cards with the activities on them.  I didn't have much time to prep, or I would have found something better than cards to use... maybe bird cutouts, or a bird puzzle.

  • Story:  Elijah and the Ravens (I used clip art found online to tell this story - I will add this later)
  • Story:  Crickets and the Seagulls.  After telling the story, I used the activity found on Sugardoodle.  I copied and cutout enough seagulls for each child.  Instead of using the paper crickets, though, I went onto Amazon.  I couldn't find crickets, but I found a package of 72 cockroaches... they looked very similar!  The children loved it!  I printed out some images of wheat, as well as a lake.  I covered the wheat in coackroaches, and had the children pick up the "crickets" and take them over and dump them in the lake.
  • Insect Guessing:  see the activity in manual
  • Bees:  see manual.  I brought in honey for the children to taste.
  • Song:  "In the Leafy Treetops"
  • Craft:  Page showing "I am thankful for birds" and an outline of a bird.  Using glue, children glued colorful feathers to their birds. 

Story:  Very Hungry Caterpillar

Black and white poster from Sunday Savers

Lesson 12: I am Thankful for Animals

Please see my page on Sunbeams for an overview of my teaching system.

Looking on Sugardoodle... there are so many fabulous ideas!

I do love the idea of Animal Bubbles! It's a very cute and interactive way of reinforcing what children know/learn about animals.

I also loved Carrie Gribbon's idea of using the dissolving capsules with foam animals in them.  I'm sure the kids would love it!  And it offers another opportunity for children to identify animals.

The idea of burning animals sounds on a CD is also great!  But if you don't have the time/resources for making a CD, there are also a number of Animal Sounds Bingo type games out there that would work.  One I know is Listening Lotto.  These games would be great reinforcers, build problem solving skills, and would be very engaging for the kids.

I like the craft by Sunday Savers, but I like one from the Friend even better that I found on Sugardoodle!  That is the one I will be using.  I will be using the black and white coloring page from Sunday Savers, though.

The ideas on Chicken Scratch n Sniff are also good!  I just love how many wonderful resources are mentioned on Sugardoodle.

Here's what I'm going to do.

As with the past few weeks, we will start the lesson off with the Creation storybook by the Barefoot Teacher found on Teachers Pay Teachers ($1.75), that I introduced in Lesson 8.  I printed out the pages, but didn't bind them in any way.  This way I could pull out the focus page(s) when the story was done and place them on the board.  We will repeat this each week for the Creation lessons until we've completed all of the pages.  Reading the same story each week will create a concrete connection between the lessons and help the children better grasp the process of the Creation.

For the activity selection, I have taken a wooden animal puzzle and have written the activities on stickers affixed to the underside of each animal in the puzzle.  As there are more animals in the puzzle (9) than there are activities, not all of the animals have an activity listed.  I will let the children pick animals until they have found one showing an activity.

(NOTE TO SELF:  Reorganize this section according to manual.  I sincerely apologize.  Things have gotten very busy, and I have fallen behind on this blog.  I am now trying to catch back up, but some of these posts will likely not be complete for awhile.)

  • Noah's Ark - I have a cloth activity set to go along with story that I will use.  For follow-up (or a separate activity), the printout from the Friend.
  • Where do I live? - from Teachers Pay Teachers
  • Animal Noises - book I've made, matching animals to the noises they make (I will post this when I get a chance)
  • Pretending - name an animal, or let children name an animal, and everyone pretends to be the animal
  • Song "Old MacDonald"
  • How do animals help us? - from Etsy

Story - Brown Bear, Brown Bear


Black and white poster from Sunday Savers.

Due to ward conference... we had a very short class time.  We didn't get to a couple of the activities (Where do I live? and Pretending).